Thank you for being a patient of Adams Orthopaedics.
I have appreciated the opportunity to provide orthopaedic care for you.
I have retired and the office is closed as of 7/15/24.
ValleyOrtho will take over my practice and is excited to help with any further orthopedic issues or any follow up that is needed. I am referring all patients to the expert and very capable physicians at ValleyOrtho at Valley View Hospital. My recommendations are:
Shoulder and Elbow:
- Dr. Ferdinand Liotta
- Dr. Tomas Pevny
Hip Pain:
- Dr. Christopher George
- Dr. Daniel O’Connor
Hand, Wrist, Elbow Pain:
- Dr. Michael Potter
Knee Pain:
- Dr. Tomas Pevny
- Dr. Christopher George
- Dr. Daniel O’Connor
Problems with a Previous Hip or Knee Replacement:
- Dr. Daniel O’Connor
Foot/Ankle Pain:
- Dr. Noel Armstrong
Please visit the ValleyOrtho website at vvorthocare.org for further information on these providers.
My Physician Assistant, Izaak (Ike) Fitzgerald, has moved on to work with Orthopedic Spine Surgeon Dr. Felipe Ituarte at the Spine Center at Valley View. For any neck or back issues, give him a call at 970-384-8060.
For a copy of your medical records, to schedule an appointment, or for more information, call ValleyOrtho at 970-384-7140
I will miss practicing orthopedics, but will miss my patients much more. See you on the river!
Robert Adams, MD
Now Accepting Medicare!
Dr. Adams also accepts the following insurances:
CEBT, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, United Health Care,UMR, Cigna, and Aetna/Confinity.
23 years of orthopedic experience
Dr. Adams has been practicing in the Roaring Fork Valley and Rifle for 23 years. He has an excellent reputation and experience you can trust.
- 4000 arthroscopic procedures of the knee, shoulder and ankle
- 8 years of experience performing anterior muscle sparing total hip replacements
- 5000 patients treated for orthopedic fractures
Experience at a more affordable cost
Health care costs and therefore health insurance costs in the Roaring Fork Valley have skyrocketed over the last 15 years. In an effort to bring down those costs, Dr. Adams is offering services at 15-25% less than the competition and has privileges at three different facilities allowing patients to chose a facility that they are comfortable with and save money. He has surgical privileges at Valley View Hospital, Grand River Hospital, and Midvalley Ambulatory Surgery Center in Basalt.
Dr. Adams and Ike will take the time to get to know you and answer your questions and address your concerns, which will enable you to make an informed decision regarding your injury or condition. We take a conservative approach and believe surgery is the last resort. You will not be treated like a number in an orthopedic factory, and your surgery will be performed by Dr. Adams, not an orthopedic fellow or resident.
Dr. Adams has privileges at Valley View Hospital, Midvalley Surgery Center in Basalt, and Grand River Medical Center in Rifle.
Due the Covid 19 pandemic still occurring, you may not feel comfortable with a face to face office visit. Therefore, we will continue to offer telemedicine appointments via facetime or video to those patients. Please call for an appointment (970) 355-1520.
Dr. Robert Adams
Dr. Adams grew up in Dallas, Texas, and graduated magna cum laude with a B.S. in Biochemistry from Trinity University in San Antonio, TX. He received his medical degree from the prestigious Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, TX. He moved to Colorado in 1993 to perform his Internship and Orthopedic Surgery Residency at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center in Denver. In 1998, after graduating from residency, he moved to Glenwood Springs with his wife, Stacey (a Glenwood Springs native), his daughter, Connor, and son, Cole. Dr. Adams has been very involved in supporting youth sports in the community and enjoyed coaching his son’s peewee football team and his daughter’s softball team.
Dr. Adams loves the Roaring Fork Valley and takes advantage of the endless outdoor activities it has to offer. During the summer you may see him on the mountain bike trails, in the swimming pool, on the river fishing, or playing golf or tennis. In the winter, you may see him skiing or snowboarding on the mountain, skinning up William’s Peak with his split board, or in the backcountry on his snowmobile.
Dr. Adams can empathize with his Orthopaedic patients, as he has undergone 14 orthopaedic surgeries of his own. His personal motto is “Work hard, play hard” so he understands what it means to “get back in the game”.

Years in the RFV and Rifle
Arthroscopic Procedures
Partial & Total Knee Replacements
Years Performing Anterior Muscle Sparing Total Hip Replacements

Izaak Fitzgerald, PA-C
Izaak (Ike) Fitzgerald is originally from Minnesota. In 1994, he enlisted in the Army National Guard and worked closely with Physician Assistants as a Medic. It was at this point he decided to pursue a career in medicine. Ike graduated in 2002 from the University of Kentucky with a B.S. in Biology. In 2006, he graduated from Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI, as a Physician Assistant. Directly after completing his education in Milwaukee, Ike moved to Glenwood Springs and has been practicing with Dr. Adams his entire career.
Ike enjoys activities including biking, hiking, camping, skiing, snowboarding, hockey, rugby, Crossfit, and anything outdoors.
“Professionally, my goals are your goals. I want to get you back to what you love, whether that is through surgical or non-surgical means, as soon and as safely as possible.”
-Izaak Fitgerald, PA-C
Meniscal Tears
The menisci are supplemental cushions in the knee that may tear and cause discomfort and swelling. The menisci may tear concomitant with another trauma to the knee such as an ACL tear. The menisci become more brittle with age and may tear with minimal trauma such as a twist or squat. Most meniscal tears are treated surgically with repair or trimming the damaged tissue arthroscopically. Dr. Adams has treated over 1000 patients with meniscal tears over the last 22 years and stays up to date with the latest surgical techniques. Whether the tear is repair or trimmed is based on the location and quality of the meniscal tissue.
Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Tears
This injury usually requires reconstruction of the torn ligament. Adams Orthopaedics uses up to date techniques with a personalized approach. The reconstruction is done using either a tendon graft harvested from the same patient such as a hamstring graft or patella tendon graft or a tendon graft harvested from a cadaver such as patella tendon graft. The choice of graft is tailored to your age and activity level. Dr. Adams has extensive experience and has treated hundreds of athletes from the valley. He uses the latest techniques with proven success. He does not experiment with unproven techniques to reconstruct your ACL.
Knee Arthritis
At Adams Orthopaedics we treat your knee arthritis with conservative measures such as bracing or injections when it is warranted. When conservative measures fail and knee replacement is necessary. We use the latest Zimmer® Personna system for partial and complete knee replacements. Dr. Adams has been using Zimmer® knee replacements for over 20 years with great success and longevity. For very active individuals, he uses an implant preserving the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) which has been shown with multiple studies to last longer than implants sacrificing the PCL. The PCL aids in proprioception which gives the patient better stability with activities such as skiing, hiking, golf and tennis. Dr. Adams has performed over 1000 partial and complete knee replacements in his career.
Hip Arthritis
At Adams Orthopaedics, we treat your hip arthritis with conservative measures as much as possible. When conservative measures fail, hip replacement surgery is necessary. We have over 7 years of experience performing a muscle sparing direct anterior approach which minimizes soft tissue damage and significantly decreases your recovery time. X-ray assistance during the surgery ensures proper sizing and placement of the hip prosthesis. We use the Accolade 2 press fit femoral stem, ceramic head, and Trident acetabular press fit cup with the X 2 polyethylene insert from Stryker®. We have used the Stryker® system for over 19 years with unparalleled success.
Rotator Cuff Tears
An MRI (special x-ray) is used to diagnose a rotator cuff tear. If a significant partial thickness (greater than 50% of the width of the tendon) or a full thickness tear is found on the MRI, surgery is usually performed to reattach the torn tendon. Dr Adams performs an arthroscopic, double row technique using the latest implants from Smith and Nephew®and Mitek®. The recovery after rotator cuff surgery may take up to 6 months and requires strict adherence to guidelines and physical therapy.
Most of us live in the Roaring Fork Valley in order to enjoy the numerous outdoor activities available. Unfortunately, these activities are occasionally fraught with accidents and fractures. At Adams Orthopaedics, fractures are treated based on their severity with either conservative measures such as casting or bracing or with surgical repair. Over the last 22 years, we have treated 1000’s of patients with fractures and use the latest surgical repair systems available. The most common fractures treated surgically by Dr. Adams surgically include fractures of the hip, wrist, clavicle, ankle, tibial plateau, tibial shaft, humerus, scaphoid, olecranon, metacarpal(hand), metatarsal(foot), finger, forearm, and femoral shaft in order of frequency of the injury.
Ankle Injuries
The ankle is complicated joint which can sustain many different types of injuries. Adams Orthopaedics treats all injuries with the most appropriate interventions. Many are treated with conservative measures such as: bracing, immobilization with a boot, and physical therapy. There are others which require surgical intervention such as certain fractures, achilles tendon tears, recurrent instability, osteochondral injuries, and peroneal tendon disorders.
Patella Dislocations
Most patella dislocations are managed with bracing and physical therapy. If physical therapy fails or the dislocation is recurrent, surgical reconstruction is warranted. Surgeries done by Adams Orthopaedics to stabilize a patella are: MPFL (medial patellofemoral ligament) reconstruction, patella realignment osteotomy with a lateral retinaculum release and a medial plication or a medial patellofemoral ligament repair. The type of surgery performed is based on the latest orthopedic recommendations and 22 years of experience. Experimental procedures are not performed. Physical therapy is used following surgery to return mobility and strength.
Quadriceps and Patella Tendon Injuries
Tendinitis and ruptures are the most common injuries to the quadriceps and patella tendons of the knee. We treat tendinitis with conservative measures such as physical therapy and rarely surgery. Tendon ruptures, however, require surgical repair. We perform these surgeries in the most effective and proven measures with repair of the tendon back to its insertion on the patella. Recovery involves bracing and significant physical therapy and may take up to six months.
Hand Disorders
At Adams Orthopaedics, we treat a variety of hand injuries and disorders. These include carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger Fingers, ganglion cysts, fractured/dislocated/sprained fingers, and mallet fingers. Many of these issues can be resolved without surgery, however, many times they require surgical intervention including: carpal tunnel releases, trigger finger releases, cyst removal, and fracture fixations.
We treat a wide variety of elbow disorders: medial and lateral epicondylitis, bursitis, biceps and triceps tendon ruptures, olecranon and radial head fractures, and dislocations. Most elbow disorders are treated conservatively, however some require surgery. Adams Orthopaedics performs the following surgeries: biceps and triceps tendon repairs, olecranon and radial head fracture repairs when necessary, bursectomies, and nerve transpositions.

Dr. Adams provides guidance & recommendations if you’re experiencing pain & issues with your knees.
Have hip pain? Dr. Adams provides next steps and options if you’re experiencing pain with your hips.
Experiencing shoulder pain? Dr. Adams provides options of how to get you back to doing what you love.